
Hummingbirds are some of the most fascinating and beautiful birds in the world, known for their vibrant colors and unique flying abilities. These tiny creatures are attracted to specific plants that provide them with the nectar they need to fuel their high-energy lifestyles. If you want to attract hummingbirds to your garden and enjoy their presence, it is important to create an environment that mimics their natural habitats. By planting the right flowers and providing the necessary resources, you can turn your garden into a hummingbird haven.

In this blog, we will explore the top plants that are guaranteed to attract hummingbirds in the southern region. These plants not only provide a rich nectar source but also offer the perfect environment for hummingbirds to thrive. We will also discuss how to create the perfect habitat for these fascinating birds, including the importance of water sources, shelter, and pesticide-free gardens. Additionally, we will provide tips on other ways to attract hummingbirds, such as using feeders and homemade nectar. So, let’s dive into the world of hummingbirds and discover the plants that will bring these charming creatures to your garden.

Top Plants to Attract Hummingbirds in the South

To attract hummingbirds to your garden in the southern region, it is essential to choose the right plants that provide them with the nectar they crave. Hummingbirds are particularly drawn to flowers with tubular shapes, as they allow the birds to easily access the nectar. Some of the top plants to attract hummingbirds in the south include bee balm, salvia, and coral honeysuckle. These plants not only have tubular flowers that are irresistible to hummingbirds but also offer other benefits such as fragrance and vibrant colors. By incorporating these plants into your garden, you can create a hummingbird-friendly paradise.

1. Coral Honeysuckle – A Hummingbird’s Delight

Coral honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens) is a favorite among hummingbirds due to its vibrant red flowers and sweet nectar. This vine is a perennial plant that provides a continuous source of nectar for hummingbirds throughout the year. The trumpet-shaped flowers of the coral honeysuckle are perfectly designed for hummingbirds to feed on, and the bright red color serves as a beacon to attract these tiny birds. Additionally, the vine-like nature of the coral honeysuckle provides hummingbirds with a place to perch and rest while they enjoy the nectar. Planting coral honeysuckle in your garden will not only attract hummingbirds but also add beauty and charm to your outdoor space.

2. Trumpet Creeper – The Vibrant Magnet

Another plant that hummingbirds can’t resist is the trumpet creeper (Campsis radicans). This vine produces stunning orange flowers that are a magnet for hummingbirds. The trumpet-shaped flowers provide easy access to nectar, and their vibrant color serves as a beacon to attract hummingbirds from afar. In addition to its beautiful flowers, the trumpet creeper also offers dense foliage, which provides shelter and nesting sites for hummingbirds. Planting this vine on a trellis or fence will not only attract hummingbirds but also create a vertical element in your garden that adds interest and beauty.

3. Red Hot Poker – A Fiery Favorite

The red hot poker (Kniphofia) is a stunning plant that is guaranteed to catch the attention of hummingbirds with its fiery red flowers. These tall, spiky flowers bloom in the summer and thrive in full sun, making them a perfect addition to a hummingbird garden. Red hot pokers are also drought-tolerant, making them ideal for the southern region where water conservation is important. The tubular flowers of the red hot poker are a favorite of hummingbirds, providing them with a rich source of nectar. By planting red hot pokers in your garden, you can create a striking focal point and attract hummingbirds with their vibrant red blooms.

4. Bee Balm – A Fragrant Attraction

Bee balm (Monarda) is not only a favorite of bees but also a beloved plant for hummingbirds. This native perennial produces vibrant red, pink, or purple flowers that are rich in nectar, attracting hummingbirds and other pollinators to your garden. In addition to its nectar-rich flowers, bee balm also offers a delightful fragrance that adds another level of appeal to your garden. The tubular shape of the flowers makes them easily accessible for hummingbirds, allowing them to feed on the nectar with ease. By planting bee balm in your garden, you can create a fragrant and colorful oasis that will attract hummingbirds and other beneficial pollinators.

5. Salvia – A Diverse Hummingbird Pleaser

Salvia is a diverse genus of plants that includes a wide variety of species and cultivars, many of which are highly attractive to hummingbirds. These plants produce vibrant flowers in shades of red, pink, purple, and blue, providing a diverse array of colors to attract hummingbirds. Salvia flowers are rich in nectar, making them a valuable food source for hummingbirds. Additionally, many salvia species thrive in full sun, making them ideal for the southern region where sunlight is abundant. By incorporating different varieties of salvia into your garden, you can create a visually stunning and attractive habitat for hummingbirds.

6. Azaleas – The Springtime Beacon

Azaleas are beautiful shrubs that are known for their stunning blooms in the spring. These flowering shrubs produce an abundance of flowers in various colors, including shades of red, pink, and white. Azaleas are a perennial plant, meaning they come back year after year, providing a reliable source of nectar for hummingbirds. The tubular flowers of azaleas are perfectly designed for hummingbirds to feed on, and their vibrant colors serve as a beacon to attract these tiny birds. By planting azaleas in your garden, you can create a stunning display of color and provide a valuable food source for hummingbirds during the springtime.

7. Fuchsia – Hanging Blooms for Hovering Birds

Fuchsias are popular plants that are well-known for their hanging blooms and vibrant colors. These plants are particularly attractive to hummingbirds due to their tubular flowers and bright, eye-catching hues. Fuchsias are often grown in hanging baskets, making them easily accessible for hummingbirds to feed on. The pendulous flowers of fuchsias are perfect for hovering birds, allowing them to easily access the nectar within. By hanging fuchsias in your garden, you can create a visually stunning display that will attract hummingbirds and add a touch of elegance to your outdoor space.

8. Hummingbird Mint – Aromatic and Irresistible

Hummingbird mint, also known as agastache, is a perennial plant that is specifically named for its ability to attract hummingbirds. This plant produces aromatic foliage and vibrant flowers that are irresistible to hummingbirds. The tubular flowers of hummingbird mint provide easy access to nectar, making it a popular choice among these tiny birds. In addition to its appeal to hummingbirds, hummingbird mint also attracts other pollinators, making it a valuable addition to any garden. By planting hummingbird mint in your garden, you can enjoy the delightful fragrance and vibrant colors while providing a valuable food source for hummingbirds.

9. Lantana – A Hardy and Colorful Choice

Lantana is a hardy plant that is well-known for its colorful blooms and ability to attract butterflies. However, lantana is also highly attractive to hummingbirds due to its tubular flowers and abundant nectar. This plant thrives in full sun and is drought-tolerant, making it a perfect choice for the southern region. Lantana comes in a variety of colors, including shades of red, orange, pink, and yellow, providing a visually stunning display that will attract hummingbirds and add vibrancy to your garden. By planting lantana in your garden, you can create a low-maintenance and beautiful habitat that will entice hummingbirds to visit.

10. Butterfly Bush – Not Just for Butterflies

Butterfly bush (Buddleja) is a popular plant known for its ability to attract butterflies. However, this plant is also highly attractive to hummingbirds and other pollinators. The long, tubular flowers of the butterfly bush are rich in nectar, making it a valuable food source for hummingbirds. This plant thrives in full sun and is relatively low-maintenance, making it an ideal choice for the southern region. By planting butterfly bush in your garden, you can create a haven for hummingbirds and other pollinators, adding beauty and biodiversity to your outdoor space.

Creating the Perfect Habitat

Creating the perfect habitat for hummingbirds goes beyond just planting the right flowers. Providing essential resources such as water sources, shelter, and pesticide-free gardens is crucial to attracting and supporting these fascinating birds. Hummingbirds need a reliable water source for drinking and bathing, such as a birdbath with fresh water or a fine misting device. Offering shelter in the form of trees and shrubs provides hummingbirds with a safe place to rest and protect themselves from predators. Additionally, maintaining a pesticide-free garden ensures a safe feeding ground for hummingbirds and other beneficial insects.

Providing Shelter – Trees and Shrubs for Safety

Trees and shrubs play a crucial role in providing shelter and safety for hummingbirds. These plants offer perching spots and nesting sites, allowing hummingbirds to rest and protect themselves from predators. By incorporating a variety of trees and shrubs in your garden, you can create a diverse and natural environment that mimics the hummingbird’s natural habitat. Planting evergreen shrubs provides year-round shelter, while deciduous trees offer additional perching sites during the summer months. By ensuring that your garden has a variety of trees and shrubs, you can create a safe and inviting space for hummingbirds to thrive.

Water Sources – Adding Birdbaths and Misters

Water sources are essential for attracting hummingbirds to your garden. Hummingbirds not only need water for drinking but also enjoy bathing in shallow pools or misting devices. Installing a birdbath with fresh water provides hummingbirds with a reliable source of hydration. Additionally, adding a fine misting device creates a refreshing environment that hummingbirds love. The combination of water sources and flowering plants will create an irresistible oasis for hummingbirds. By incorporating these water features into your garden, you can provide hummingbirds with the resources they need to thrive and enjoy their time in your outdoor space.

Nesting Materials – Encouraging Hummingbird Families

Creating a safe and inviting environment for hummingbirds includes providing nesting materials. Hummingbirds build intricate nests using materials such as twigs, plant fibers, and spider silk. By leaving out small piles of twigs in your garden, you can offer hummingbirds the materials they need to construct their nests. Providing a safe and secure environment free from predators is also crucial for encouraging hummingbird families. By maintaining a pesticide-free garden and minimizing disturbances near nesting areas, you can create a safe haven for hummingbirds to raise their young. By offering nesting materials and ensuring a safe environment, you can support the nesting habits of hummingbirds and play a role in their reproductive success.

Pesticide-Free Gardens – Ensuring a Safe Feeding Ground

Maintaining a pesticide-free garden is essential for ensuring a safe feeding ground for hummingbirds. Pesticides not only harm beneficial insects that hummingbirds rely on for food but can also directly affect hummingbirds if they consume contaminated insects or nectar. By avoiding the use of pesticides in your garden, you create a healthy and sustainable environment for hummingbirds. Instead of relying on chemical pesticides, consider natural alternatives such as companion planting, beneficial insects, or physical barriers to manage pests. By adopting pesticide-free practices, you can create a safe and thriving ecosystem that supports hummingbirds and other beneficial insects.

Beyond Plants: Other Ways to Attract Hummingbirds

While planting the right flowers is essential for attracting hummingbirds, there are other ways to entice these charming birds to your garden. Using a hummingbird feeder filled with homemade nectar is a popular method to provide additional food sources for hummingbirds. Homemade nectar can be made by mixing one part white sugar with four parts water, boiled and cooled. It is important to avoid using honey, artificial sweeteners, or red dye in the nectar. Additionally, understanding seasonal changes and the breeding season can help you anticipate when to expect hummingbird visitors in your garden.

The Right Feeders – Selecting and Placing

When selecting a hummingbird feeder, it is important to choose the right type and size. Opt for feeders that have multiple feeding ports and are easy to clean. Fill the feeder with homemade nectar made by combining one part white sugar with four parts water, boiled and cooled. Hang the feeder in a visible location where hummingbirds can easily spot it. It is important to regularly clean the feeder and replace the nectar every few days to prevent spoilage. By providing the right feeder and placing it in a strategic location, you can attract hummingbirds and provide them with a reliable source of food.

Homemade Nectar – The Perfect Recipe

Homemade nectar is a cost-effective and easy way to provide hummingbirds with a reliable source of food. The perfect recipe for homemade nectar involves mixing one part white sugar with four parts water. It is important to use white sugar as other sweeteners, such as honey or artificial sweeteners, can be harmful to hummingbirds. Boil the mixture for one to two minutes to remove impurities, then let it cool before filling the feeder. Avoid using red dye, as it is unnecessary and potentially harmful to hummingbirds. By following this simple recipe, you can provide hummingbirds with a nutritious and safe source of nectar.

Seasonal Considerations – When to Expect Your Feathered Guests

Hummingbird migration and breeding patterns vary across different regions of North America. Generally, hummingbirds start their migration from the southern regions in early spring and arrive in the northern regions by late spring or early summer. Understanding the breeding season and the migratory patterns of hummingbirds in your area can help you anticipate when to expect these feathered guests in your garden. By preparing your garden and feeders ahead of time, you can ensure that you are ready to welcome hummingbirds and provide them with the resources they need during their migration and breeding season.

Observation Tips – Enjoying Your Hummingbird Visitors

Observing hummingbirds in your garden can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience. Spending time watching these fascinating birds can provide valuable insights into their behavior and habits. To enhance your observation, consider setting up a comfortable seating area near hummingbird-friendly flowers or feeders. Keep a field guide or a smartphone app handy to help identify different hummingbird species. Consider participating in citizen science projects such as the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s Hummingbirds at Home to contribute to scientific research. Providing a bird bath or misting device can also attract hummingbirds and offer them a place to bathe and cool off. By taking the time to observe and appreciate hummingbirds, you can deepen your connection with nature and gain a better understanding of these incredible birds.


In conclusion, creating a welcoming environment for hummingbirds in your garden involves more than just planting the right flowers. Providing shelter, water sources, nesting materials, and maintaining a pesticide-free garden are essential factors to consider. Additionally, selecting the right feeders, preparing homemade nectar, being mindful of seasonal changes, and observing these delightful visitors can enhance your hummingbird-watching experience. By following these tips and nurturing a habitat that caters to the needs of these colorful creatures, you can enjoy the beauty and charm of hummingbirds in your southern garden.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Best Time of Year to Plant for Hummingbirds?

The best time of year to plant for hummingbirds is during the growing season, typically in early spring or late summer. Planting during these times ensures that the plants have enough time to establish themselves before the hot weather sets in. The best way to attract hummingbirds is to provide a variety of flowers that bloom at different times, ensuring a continuous nectar source throughout the year.

How Can I Protect Hummingbirds in My Yard from Predators?

To protect hummingbirds from predators in your yard, provide a safe environment with plenty of shelter. Planting dense shrubs and trees offers hiding places for hummingbirds to escape from predators. Additionally, incorporating plants like cardinal flowers can attract aggressive birds that may deter predators.